I’ve been blogging for four years now and have only gone away about four or five times to conferences during that time. The truth is, I often contemplate and hesitate when applying for speaking gigs or even attending blogging conferences. Why? It’s NOT that I don’t like them, please don’t misunderstand me, but I am a MOM first. I know we are all about, “we have to take care of ourselves first in order to care best for our family,” but to each there own, right? I echo the opinion of most that there is incredible value in these events, but here is my take on why I contemplate going to them. As a side note, I want to let you know that in just a few weeks I will be heading to Long Beach for a blogging conference and I am super EXCITED because I know that I am going to get a ton of learning done. I made this decision carefully as I do with all conferences.
Here are my reasons for contemplating:
(and of course I did a periscope about it which will be down below 🙂
I despise leaving my kids behind
If I could travel with my kids everywhere I went I would be one happy Mami! I love being around my children and having them close. I know we all need a break but for me, I enjoy having my boys around! They are what fuel me and inspire me to do more. If I had the money they would go everywhere I go. I would still work but at least I would know they would be right by my side. I know, I know… Mommy problems ..lol. I don’t use these conferences as a vacation away from the family, but a learning experience for me in my career. My husband and I also don’t have the “live in” family members to watch our children and I REFUSE to leave my children with just anyone just so I can get away.
Did I ever mention before that I hate flying? I prefer a long drive over anything else. Those long drives enable me to see the beauty of nature and life. When I am up in a plane of course I enjoy seeing the beautiful skies and clouds but there is so much more to experience when driving. I get so inspired with what life has to offer and it just provides that extra boost of energy for me.
I am NOT a fashionista nor do I want to be. All respect to those who are but that is not my forte or cup of tea, whichever way you would like to put it. I am a girlie girl and love to be cute and pretty but I also LOVE to be pretty and comfy. I don’t worry about what others are wearing, nor do I feel the need to compete but I do know that first impressions are everything. I can’t place that much energy in every outfit… not me! So, when conferences come along I get out of my comfort zone a little because I won’t be rocking Jordan’s (only to the airport) but I will be in comfy flats and some dressy pants. You won’t catch me in high heels. Did I say ever?
Meeting People
I LOVE meeting people..that’s why I am so social on social media. I rarely ever approach someone because I never want to come across as a groupie or make someone feel uncomfortable but I do love when I am approached because what you see is what you get. I am the same Eileen on periscope and all other platforms as you will see in real life. I like to say I’m funky fresh in the flesh. I do get worried when the person you see online isn’t the person you meet in real life. Total turnoff and that just rubs me wrong.
The Outcome
I love attending these conferences to learn. I am that geek walking around with a notebook (the composition kind) with pens and just listening intently to every word from the presenters. I am all about walking away with new knowledge and applying it all once I see fit for my brand. You spend the money to attend these conferences and you want to have takeaways from them. I’d never go just to say, “I went to this conference” as some badge of honor or commitment.
Again, as much as I LOVE attending blogging conferences and follow the hashtags when I can’t attend them, the above are reasons why I sometimes contemplate going at all. It’s NOT that I don’t enjoy the experience, it’s sometimes your mind can play tricks on you and you begin to question yourself thinking you have to go when you really don’t. As a brand you have to know what is going to work best for you. Again, I am super happy to be attending WeAllGrow in just a few weeks and I am happy that I worked everything out not to contemplate not going on this trip but I am sure we all have felt this way or time or another. Sound off below.
Have you ever contemplated going to a conference and why? Let’s share our feelings together.
I hate flying as well! And I love spending time with my child so I can definitely relate. Enjoy the conference!