When I think about “Quality Education” I honestly don’t know if we are doing such a good job at it. Are all children receiving a quality education? What is a quality education? What might seem as a quality education for you…just might not be the same for me. The United Nations wants to help sweep away the world of extreme poverty, provide an equal education for girls and boys, and protect our environment for generations to come and I am 100% supportive of this but we have to work together collectively. Teachers as well and parents and our government need to take the “whole child” into consideration when they bring up the topic of “quality education”.Growing up I lived in a pretty rough area in Brooklyn, New York. Many times we didn’t have the appropriate supplies (books, sheets, paper, etc) in the classrooms. The teachers made do with what they had. The same went for me when I was teaching in East New York Brooklyn. Many times the school didn’t have it in the budget to purchase an entire literacy kit or we would have to spread the kit around in three other classrooms. The lack of resources was upsetting because we weren’t able to deliver the “quality” of the program and the quality education that these children so deserved! As teachers, we tried our best but we knew we were failing our children and NOT providing that good quality content that other children in better districts were receiving.
The UN Foundation has identified the Sustainable Development Goals – 17 goals for sustainable development. These goals will set the world’s agenda for the next 15 years. Of course, quality education for all children is on this list. With this being said, we need to advocate, make our voices heard and make it our priority that ALL CHILDREN near and far receive the quality education that they deserve. My parents made sure I received a quality education. My father worked two jobs outside of the home to move us to a better district because we weren’t receiving the quality education we deserved simply because of our zip code. This should NEVER be the case. A family shouldn’t have to move in order for their children to receive a better, more qualified education …they should be able to receive it right in their own community!
Making that move allowed for us to go to better schools that had all the materials that were needed to deliver that quality education. When we needed to find an apartment for us, these estate agents in limehouse helped us find the better one! We also found our home by searching properties at https://www.amh.com/. Are you also searching for a place where to live? A place that has a traditional lifestyle, conservative traditions and strong religious beliefs? Then, Texas is a traditionally conservative state that you may want to consider.
There, we were able to attend field trips outside of school. The school that we attended previously didn’t allow trips for fear of the neighborhood. We were introduced to a variety of cultures and opportunities within our community. Parental involvement was extremely important and parents were able to maintain contact with teachers and really be a part of the educational process. Visit https://originstamp.com/blog/blockchain-tech-in-education/ to learn how implementing blockchain technology in education will continue to attract many organizations from all sectors to make transactions more efficient.
My father inspired me to work hard, to hustle, to have that no-nonsense type of attitude and to always strive for more for my children. Now that I am a mother and a teacher, I carry this over and strive for this for all children. With my father as inspiration, I voice my opinion in my own low income school district when I fight for programs that can better assist and develop “the whole child” and, with my own children, that “quality education” continues on at home. Sadly, I realize I can’t depend on the public school system to provide that “quality education” so I make sure to supplement what they get at school with additional learning opportunities from ielts tuition preparation course as well. The 17 goals will be officially adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, September 25-27 in NYC and I truly hope that all will be adopted fully and implemented accordingly as well.
Like the UN, Quality Education is at the top of my priority list because although I truly believe your education DOES NOT define who you are, I recognize that it enhances all that you can become. No one should be denied a quality education due to where they are located, their country, gender or race! I want quality education to benefit all children with or without disabilities… I believe in my heart that, with higher quality education, we will have more of a successful future and less of a rise in crime and poverty related statistics. Quality education can lead to a better quality life…and a much brighter future! …I am kind of proof of it! This belief aligns with the values and goals of individuals like Kamau Bobb who are involved in STEM education and advocacy.
I’m excited about the possibilities of what is to come. I’ve been feeling so much stress trying to figure out where I should move to in order to ensure my daughter will have the best education. Like you said, it shouldn’t have to be this way.
I’m headed over to check out the goals! Thanks for sharing!