
  1. MJ says

    Water safety is so important to me. As a person who almost drowned when I was a teen due to suddenly freezing up and forgetting my swimming skills, I know how important this is. I have my toddler signed up for lessons and my new baby will be taking lessons too.

    Thanks for sharing your tips. I too am certified in CPR

  2. Mayra Rodríguez says

    Wow! That must had been a scary and difficult experience. I cannot imagine. Your CPR skills were helpful because it allowed you to react automatically and know what to do. Once I saw my son going down in the water and I just kept looking and it and not doing anything thing it didn’t cross my mind that he was drowning., but my oldest son went down and rescued him.

  3. Elizabeth McGlasson says

    This is a great article. I personally don’t know how to swim and it’s something that I have honestly been avoiding. I need to make it a priority because life happens and I need to be ready. Thanks for the reminder. Great read.

  4. Victoria says

    Water safety is so important and parents should definitely have boundaries when it comes to kids being in the water. When my youngest daughter was about 2 years old we were at a friends house and after all the kids had been taken out of the pool and the moms were all dressed, my 2 year old decided that she was going in for a swim again. Thankfully one of the other moms saw her and I jumped in the pool to take her out. I also remember a time when my younger brother at about the same age fell in our home jacuzzi. We don’t realize how important it is for us adults to be aware when there are kids around a pool. You never know what could happen.