There are many times in our lives when we just want to do whatever it is we want to do. We don’t want listen to anyone and just, “Cojer el camino”. We talk, we do, and we don’t want to listen to reason. While there are times when this is okay, there is often a moment in time when we just have to shut up and listen, because our way isn’t always the right way. The question is, how do we know when we can go with our gut and stay on our own path and when to shut up and listen?

Every step that we make leads to a dead end
When nothing is going your way and something has to give, this is the moment where you shut up and listen. You reevaluate the situation or the decision that you have made and make some MAJOR adjustments. Seek help and support from others and talk it out. This will enable you to see a much clearer picture and lead you back onto your road to SUCCESS!
You’re miserable and lost
If you don’t know where to turn and you find yourself in misery, shut up and listen to find out what is making you miserable and unhappy. Trace back through what made you once smile and take yourself back to that place. Shut up and listen to those who might tell you to take time for yourself and make yourself happy again. If you’re NOT happy, NO ONE is happy! You can’t ever compromise your happiness.
You don’t know who YOU are anymore
It’s sad when you once knew who you were, where you were going, and what you wanted out of life but these days, you have no clue. Life feels meaningless and it’s not all what it seemed. Don’t fall into these negative feelings and drag yourself into a slump. Get up, SHUT UP, and damnit LISTEN!!!! Listen to those “positive people” around you who know that you are NOT your true self at that moment. Let them lead you back to where you know you need to be. You know your capabilities and you know what you need to do!

Life has a funny way of throwing fast balls at us. Many times, when this happens, we aren’t ready but they are all “pruebas”. They are a way to see if we will lose faith in our own strength, if we don’t trust those in our circle to help guide us. WE all need someone (or multiple people, even!) on our team to have our back. This is that time to use those “positive forces” and get back on track. I am NOT going to say shutting up and listening will be easy, but it will be worth it. When in doubt, always go with your gut, that inside voice will NEVER fail you! If you happen to fall, brush your shoulders off and get back up again- that’s the lesson of life!