I consider myself to be fairly organized and well disciplined when it comes to pretty much anything, especially my writing! I think I inherited this trait from my dad because I can remember watching him work and observing his organization and his work ethic. I always felt called to be as accountable as he was, and I feel as though I am! As a mother and a teacher and a writer, I have a lot to keep together though. I have my editorial calendars, my post-its and the list goes on, but what I like about this Organizada is that it will keep it all TOGETHER! I mean really KEEP IT ALL TOGETHER!
Sili Recio thought up ideas for the Organizada that I would have NEVER dreamed up myself. I LOVE the way she has “Keeping Your Blog At A Glance” set up and she provides you with pointers on how to keep your media kit up to date. What was even more awesome for me was that she pushes you to add your goals and follow through with your desired outcomes. This is great for us bloggers because it really drives us to pursue our dreams for our blogs. Even better was the “Lessons Learned” section! I don’t know about you but I learn something new every single day—what better way than to document them?
One thing I do struggle with is jotting down and keeping track of the income I earn. Blogging is NOT my only source of income, as I am a full time teacher, BUT I do have an income. I should be more aware of how much I make and when money is due as well. I really stink at that and sometimes find months passing and payment not arriving because I have not kept proper record of the deadline and sent a necessary reminder.
I really enjoyed the section that includes the information about giveaways and winners. I need to keep careful record of this as I know there have been scams with winners using various emails and entering the same giveaways so this would be very helpful for many of us as well. Each section for each month is beautifully labeled with proverbs and uplifting quotes that drive you to be a better blogger, writer, and person! This Organizada really organizes your thoughts, your ideas, and your life!
Check Organizada out and if you think you need this in your life to become a bit more organized, type in MOMMYTEACHES to get a discount here. You will receive $4.95 off of your purchase from now until February 28th! We all need a little extra organization in our lives and this is just the tool to get us there!
Care to share: How do you keep yourself organized on a daily basis?