Blogging on various platforms now since 2011 I have experienced negativity from only one person, a great standing record right?. That one person isn’t worthy of the shine on this post but it’s a topic that needs to be aired out and I don’t mind doing so. What do you do when that same hater is in your blogging community? It’s a question that I often ask myself because the person puts on this facade as if they are the sweetest person but, their character and evil look displays otherwise. I often wonder how this person has made it in the community of supporters and positivity for this long? I guess they know who to prey on and they have so much hate in them, they don’t know what LOVE truly is!

I have written about being a part of a community and those who know me know that I am extremely supportive. I have grown in social media because of it and have made a name for myself for this very reason. I LOVE to celebrate & SUPPORT others and I know there is room for everyone to shine. You will NEVER get any bashing from me toward any blogger. I may NOT agree with some but I am entitled to my own opinion. I also live by the rule, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut!”. (I may NOT keep my mouth shut about teaching, but that’s an entirely different post–lol) I would NEVER go as far as writing a retaliation post about someone, share their content on my page and bash them , delete them from all accounts, or even leave negative comments on their content. I am much better than that!

Something that is even more hateful to me is when others see you doing good, and it kills them! It kills them and you know it because why would they taken the above measures? Thank God that I have NOT stopped my supportive ways because of this one bad apple! On the contrary, I give everyone a chance because not all people are evil. We all make mistakes, but I am also aware of the signs to look for now and I am much more vigilant. I am also much more professional. I won’t fake that I like you after what you have done but I am adult enough to maintain my professionalism and be cordial.

I write this post not to bring attention to this very uneducated and weird behavior but I wonder what others would do? Have you encountered this before within your years of blogging and what is the best thing to do? It’s sad that in 2014 we have to be confronted with such adolescent behavior. For those new bloggers, I want to remind you to NEVER go that route! I am fairly new myself but what I have learned is that nothing good comes to a hater! You would think that it’s pretty much common sense but obviously not. I love myself as a blogger, professional, mother, and wife to know that nothing good comes out of hating. I am also very confident and therefore, I can shout you out and place you on my page because I admire your work! Let’s continue the journey of being supportive and rid our communities of the haters once they have surfaced, they aren’t going to last anyway. Everything comes to light and every hater has their day!
Care to share: Have you experienced HATEFUL BLOGGING BEHAVIOR? What’s your take on it?

Our biggest challenge is to be the bigger person especially when we are in a situation we don’t want to be in. Be you and that is the best way to be
I completely AGREE with you!
Nothing better than being the BETTER person and remaining PROFESSIONAL!!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
No matter what you are doing there are always gonna be your so called “haters” out there. That’s why you continue to do what you do and who cares about the rest. People are always gonna be envious or just enjoy critiquing. You never give up your blogging because you are great at what you do. I enjoy reading your blogs!!
Thanks so much—oh NO–my haters are my motivators–BUT it’s NOT right and people need to grow up and be mature-professionals!!!!
Thanks so much for reading, commenting and always SUPPORTING!
It means the world!!!
AMEN! I stumbled upon your page from soneone else and I am glad I did. I could not have expressed it any better. Will be sharing!
Thanks so much—I appreciate you stopping by and commenting!
It’s a topic that needs to be discussed and we can’t brush it under any longer.
I hope you come back again.
Thanks, hun!
So sorry you have had to deal with this type of behavior from an adult even though, no matter where you go or what you do, they will be around. It is a matter of staying focused and positive on your objectives and not to waste too much time nor energy on this person. But appreciate the fact that you are making us aware of what IS out there.
Oh yeah–my time is precious to waste too much time BUT I do hope they get discovered because it’s DISGUSTING!!!! I look out for my people and DON’T HATE so I had to air it out in a PROFESSIONAL way!
Thanks so much for the comment!!!
There will always be bad apples wherever you go, some are vocal, some spread rumors and some act as if anything you do is an intentional stab at who they are. Don’t ever let that make you become like them. It’s what they want. The best revenge is to do nada – it shows the person how childish they are. Do you girl and shine on!
I would NEVER become like my 36 years of living I am ME and will always remain REAL but NOT HATEFUL!!!!
Exactly what I plan to do 😉
Hugs and thank you!!!!!
I am glad you are voicing it out. I had my shares of this. What bothers me the most is that if they coukd only see how much it hurts THEM not the person that they are trying to outshine. Cause we all talk and share things like this (even the brands and PRs do) so at the end they loose. Thank you for opening eyes and ears to the world.
Thanks for commenting- I appreciate your support!
I completely agree with you!!! I am NOT in this to outshine anyone…WE SHINE TOGETHER! The person is so INSECURE they don’t get it–
My pleasure and thanks again—it’s a real topic that NEEDS to be discussed!
It is a very important topic, because not everything is nice and sweet in the blogging community. I try to stay away from people that try to make you feel bad or bring you down… I do my thing as long as it makes me feel good and I try to help others as much as I can. I believe in Karma…
You sound like me 😉 but some people don’t get it!
I totally believe in Karma!!!
I appreciate your time commenting & reading.
Girl, haters gon’ hate. Try to maintain that professionalism. I’ve found that it is best to distance yourself from the facade. Because there’s nothing more poisonous than someone smiling in your face while digging the knife in your back. I have found it’s not worth it. Just distance yourself from it and keep doing you. Will have to share Lucrecer’s Love on a Hater video with you, though ;-).
PS: this is that first agreement “take nothing personal” the hate that’s being exhibited has nothing to do with you and everything to do with that person.
You are so right–my thing is STOP being so INSECURE and grow the hell up!
It ain’t that serious!!!
I have appreciated your honesty & realness from the very beginning.
Thanks, mama
Eileen, there will be those who support you, and those who will wish to show up at your funeral. People will disappoint, while others want to will grow with you. I know it can be exhausting, and hurtful because we are not all cut from that cloth. Walking with integrity, and truth to self is a life sentence to another who can’t get out of their own way. They play on the weak hearted. I advise to roll with silence, and let stillness deafen ears plastered against the walls, as well as blind those that see only the vision they want.
Like toilet paper in a bowl, use it, flush it, till the next time nature calls.
You always put things into proper perspective and for that I appreciate you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!
I will take the advice of my big bro!
If you’ve got haters that means you’re doing something right! People hate on others because they hate on themselves. They can’t love themselves so how are they going to love others? Jealousy and envy is everywhere and I’m not surprised to see it in the world of blogging. In all my years I’ve tried not to get into the hoopla and the drama. You’re amazing, just keep doing you!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Jai!
I appreciate your kind words and you are spit tin’ the truth–the sad part is the
fact that the person is in “the community” and would even think of such a cruel act.
Thanks again!!!
I’m certain I need more sleep! So please forgive me if I can’t think a clear thought, much less write one at the moment. There is something going around right now. I’ve seen similar words from others lately. You ARE the “cheerleader.” There’s just no question about that. You should write about it more. It would be great for people who don’t know to get an a real understanding of what that means, why you do it, and how it’s helped others and you. Another person I saw posting about a topic like this has the added issue that the “hater” is a person who the poster helped along in SM. ENVIDIOSOS.
Thanks so much for your LOVE & SUPPORT!
What a shame that more people are seeing more of this!
You know when you really get them and they know they are ENVIDIOSO because they
actually READ what you write– hahahaha
Love yah!
Amiga, I’m so sorry you are going through this. Sadly this happens. I’ve gotten some really nasty misogynistic trolls on some of the articles I’ve written. I usually ignore them. I take that energy and pour into something or someone more deserving of my attention. And time heals all wounds. Everyday that passes you will care less and less about a random opinion. You have a community that supports you.
Keep writing. You are doing great things. xo Letty
You are so right–thanks so much for your positivity and being such an inspiration!!! You are a beautiful person–
Unfortunately, being a blogger doesn’t mean the person is guaranteed being a nice person. The awesome part is that you’re always nice to everyone. As you say, that makes you the better person. 🙂
You’re absolutely right! I am nice to everyone because that’s the way I was modeled.
I was once told, “if you don;t have anything nice to say…SHUT UP!!!”..I have lived by it–
I am nice to everyone BUT I will NOT accept someone being RUDE or DISRESPECTFUL to me!
Thanks for reading.
We all benefit more when we support each other. I feel sorry for the hater because their poor attitude is not going to take them far. That person needs to learn the value of building a supportive tribe. We all reap what we sow. The best you can do is ignore that person and keep doing what you do best which is sharing your unique gift with the world and being wonderfully supportive! 🙂
Thank you so much for your support, Isa–
It truly means the world because you are very much like me.
I also agree–be a hater because guess what? You will be found out —it becomes obvious when you’re NOT a nice person.
Hugs and thanks for reading and commenting….xoxoxoxoxo