I stumbled upon an email that I received which sparked this post that I am about to write. It was a press release about Frederick J. Goodall (Hermano, as I like to call him) announcing him as a Top Media Influencer. I thought to myself, “I knew that!”. Even before meeting him at Hispanicize he came across as such a positive man and I loved his message. I saw a lot of my husband in him, which made me want to read even more. I ran into a few of his videos and the one that really hit home was, “Why the media’s images of dads are so destructive”, over at Kidsinthehouse.com. This writer reminded me how important my husband and the father of my children really is, and how important it is to appreciate him!
As I watched that video about how men are portrayed negatively I thought, “you know he’s right!” but thankfully I had NOT experienced that when I was growing up and not in the Campos household. Sure, I could write a post about my husband on Father’s Day but Fred’s words really made me evaluate and continue to appreciate the husband and father to my children that I have. Why wait for a special moment, his moment to shine is now! There needs to be more uplifting posts about our men and less belittling posts! There needs to be less, “my baby daddy” and more “this wonderful man, who is the father of my children” and I will be the one to do so.
You will NEVER find me bashing my husband and the father of my children on social media. WHY? Well, there is enough belittling of men and implications of them NOT living up to the standards. There is enough stereotypes on Latino and African American men NOT stepping up to the plate. Nothing is perfect in any relationship, but when you have a man who is a strong provider, phenomenal role model and who has beaten the odds, well in my eyes he deserve the recognition.
I am honored to say that I married my high school sweetheart! When I tell many that my husband was my one and only boyfriend, I have to pick their jaw up off the floor. I am NOT embarrassed. On the contrary, I am proud! We have done some immense growing together and I can honestly say that we are happily married! We have been married since 2002 (friends since 1996) and he is a magnificent father in my eyes. He reminds me of my own father at times, with his strong work ethics and the way he provides for his family.
My husband is extremely affectionate to our children and showers them with love every moment he gets. As soon as he walks in from work it’s a sight to see the boys run into his arms and him snuggle them. He helps with bathing them and getting meals ready and it isn’t a chore, but to him it is his responsibility. I must admit when I met him, in my eyes he wasn’t always the affectionate type. I could see why once I had met my mother-in-law. He has told me many times, “you have molded me into the person I am today”. Coming from a man I think it’s commendable to be able to admit to that and give credit.
I could go on about how magnificent my husband is and I am sure there are many men like him out there. In fact, I think there are a lot more positive men in this world, they just aren’t being given the credit they deserve! I would love to read more about these strong men and have more women celebrate their men. It’s important as a woman to really show our man how important he is and how he makes a world of a difference in our lives.
Let’s Share: Take this moment to shout your man out and tell why he is such a phenomenal man.
[…] My husband sits with me and recounts how he would ride with his mother on a motora into other pueblos in La República Dominicana to collect money for milk, chickens that were sold, and salt from the fincas (farms). She worked hours and hours of hard labor only to continue her journey of riding around, collecting her money. The money that was not even enough to pay a bill thanks to the difference in the dollar value and the level of poverty of the country. […]